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    Savi to clear misunderstandings between Isha-Ishaan, Ishaan warns Savi in GHKKPM

     GHKKPM: Savi to clear misunderstandings between Isha-Ishaan, Ishaan warns SaviIn the recent episodes of GHKKPM’s we have seen the interesting drama with new twists going around Savi’s life and Ishaan’s life.

    In the previous episodes we have seen that how Surekha has tried to create misunderstanding between Ishaan and Isha.

    Isha got upset with Ishaan and will be give up on her foods and medicine and will even refuse to meet him.

    Savi will try to confront Ishaan about his rudeness towards Isha and will be surprised to know that Ishaan didn’t asked about money.

    In the upcoming episodes we will see Savi trying to clear up the misunderstandings between Ishaan and Isha.

    It will be interesting to see if Savi will succeed in her attempts or not?

    Ishaan warns SaviIn the previous episodes we have seen how Savi was trying to bring Isha and Ishaan close.

    Savi knew that Isha love Ishaan more than anything in this world and hence wants to sort out their differences.

    We will see Savi requesting Ishaan to meet and talk to Isha to clear out their misunderstandings.

    In the upcoming episodes we will see Ishaan will not like Savi supporting Isha and will be seen warning her.