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    OMG! Surekha manipulates Ishaan, Savi exposes Durva’s cheating in GHKKPM

     Ghum Hai Kisike Pyar Mein: Surekha manipulates Ishaan, Savi exposes Durva’s cheating In the recent episodes of Ghum Hai Kisike Pyaar Mein we are witnessing the most challenging times in Savi and Ishaan’s life with new shocking twists and turns.

    In the previous episodes we have seen that how Isha was invited by Savi as the judge in the Graffiti competition at Bhosle Institute’s fest.

    Although Yashwant and Ishaan were not in favor of inviting her but will be convinced by Nishikant that it will be an honor to have her as guest.

    Surekha will come to know about and will once again start her dirty game against Isha by not letting her attend the event.

    In the upcoming episodes we will see that Surekha will manipulate Ishaan into believing that Isha has once again disrespected them by refusing to accept their invitation.

    It will be interesting to see how Ishaan will react after Surekha’s instigation?

    Savi exposes Durva’s cheating In the previous episodes we have seen that how Savi and Durva both are participating in the Graffiti competition and are the captain of their respective teams.

    Savi will come to know that Durva’s team has replaced one of their team members with an expert Graffiti artist.

    In the upcoming episodes we will see that Savi will expose Durva’s cheating in front of everybody.