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    BREAKING NEWS: Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan Tested Positive for Covid-19

    Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, 77,  and his Son Abhishek Bachchan has tested positive for COVID-19 and been admitted to Nanavati hospital in his hometown of Mumbai, 
    he said Saturday on Twitter, calling for those close to him to get tested.
    "I have tested CoviD positive .. shifted to Hospital," Bachchan wrote, saying his family and staff had already been tested and were awaiting their results.
    "All that have been in close proximity to me in the last 10 days are requested to please get themselves tested!" he added.

    Bollywood recently resumed film shoots after a months-long hiatus following the imposition of a nationwide lockdown in India in late March.
    But actors over the age of 65, such as Bachchan, are banned from set due to their vulnerability to the virus.