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    Yeh Hai Chahatein 26th November 2020 Written Episode Update: Mahima’s Accident?

    ahima tells Preesha that she didn’t have a reason to live then and even now, but she will not try to commit suicide again. Anu asks her to rest and leaves. Vasu tells Rudra that she is worried for Mahima. Rudra assures her to relax and says he will leave now as Saranash is alone. Vasu agrees. Preesha says she needs to talk to Rudra and takes him along to next room. 

    He asks if everything is fine. She says akka’s condition is worsening and she cannot leave her dying. He asks if she wants him to give Saransh to her. She says it would be good if Saransh spends time here with akka. He says she will take Saransh away then, Saransh is not a toy to be given, he will not part ways with Saransh and let Mahima take him away. She says akka is Saransh’s real mother. He says his brother is real father and he is legal father and will not give him to anyone. Mahima enters and asks them to stop fighting, she doesn’t want any differences between them because of her. Preesha asks why did she come here instead of resting. Rudra says he will give his life happily if she asks, but not Saransh; Saransh is his life and his brother’s son, so he doesn’t want to lose him. He tells Preesha that he will get car out. Preesha says he can go while she stays with Mahima. Mahima assures that she will not commit suicide again and insists her to go. Preesha leaves.

    Rudra while driving car seeing Preesha’s angry mood plays song Sorry Sorry Sorry, Pakden ye dono kaan kya…, but she doesn’t react. He apologizes her for getting angry on her, but she knows he is emotionally attached to Saransh and cannot part ways with him, she should forgive him or else. She turns around. He leaves. She turns back and gets worried not finding him in car. She then gets out of car and searches him, sees him on car top with balloons. He requests to accept his sorry and shouts he is sorry. People gather around. She pleads to get down. He gets down and holds her. She smiles. Jo Tum Na ho to hum bhi hum nahi…song.. plays in the background. She clears dirt form his hair. Everyone around clap for them. He apologizes again. She says its okay and they both leave in their car.

    Preesha and Rudra return home. Saransh runs and hugs them. Balraj asks how is Mahima. Rudra says she is fine. He was waiting for him to inform that he has his concert tonight in Delhi. Rudra gets excited hearing that. Balraj says they will maintain proper social distancing during concert. Ahana says this will boost Rudra’s popularity. Rudra says he will work hard for the concert.

    Vasu gives milk to Mahima and asks if she is feeling good now. Mahima says yes and asks them to go to Mrs Iyer’s house for pooja. Vasu says she will stay with her, GPS says any one is enough. Mahima insists, and they both leave. OIn the other side, Rudra’s family leave in their cars for concert. Mahima watches TV and seeing a couple fighting imagines Rudra and Preesha fighting, gets panic attack thinking they are fighting because of her, thinks she should go from here, packs her bag and walks on road. Rudra drives car with Preesha and says he used to hug Rajeev whenever he used to be in distress or overjoyed. Preesha asks if he will hug even her. He says its not a bad idea. They hear vehicles honking and yelling at a lady to move aside. Preesha sees Mahima walking on road and asks Rudra to stop car. They both get out and see a speeding truck towards Mahima. They shout at her, but she continues walking subconsciously. Just when the truck is about to hit her, Yuvraj enters and saves her. They both run to her, Rudra pushes Yuvraj aside. Yuvraj yells why didn’t he come early then to save her. Preesha hugs Mahima and asks if she is fine. Mahima gets conscious and asks how did she come here. Preesha explains her what happened. Mahima asks about her bag. Yuvraj shows it fallen far away. Preesha asks where was she going with bag. Mahima says she didn’t want to create problem between Preesha and Rudra, so she was going far away from them. Preesha asks why didn’t she think about parents, they would be tensed seeing her missing from home. Vasu and GPS return home and get tensed seeing Mahima missing. They call Preesha.

    Precap: Rudra over phone informs GPS and Vasu that he is taking Mahima home.

    Rudra returns home when Balraj shouts at him for missing concert and bearing him losses and humiliation. Rudra apologizes and says Mahima was in trouble. Balraj says already he bore losses because of Preesha and doesn’t if Preesha and Mahima are alive or not. Preesha brings Mahima home. At night, Preesha is shocked to see Mahima sleeping with Rudra and Saransh.