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    Yeh Hai Chahatein 4th December 2020 Written Episode Update: Saransh Leaves Home Again

    Rudra confronts Preesha that like her sister is most important to her, Saransh is most important to him as he is his brother’s last gift, he will not let anything wrong happen to Saransh at any cost and he can separate from Preesha but not Saransh, decision is up to her. 

    In home bar, Balraj tells Ahana that if Mahima dies attempting suicide repeatedly, they would be in trouble. Ahana says he is right, their reputation is at stake, Preesha wants to end their empire, so why don’t he kick Mahima out of house. Balraj says how to convince Rudra to send her out, why don’t she convince him. Ahana agrees. GPS returns home. Vasu asks why is he late and why is his phone switched off. GPS thinks he shouldn’t inform her about Mahima’s attempt at suicide. She asks where is Saransh, if he is playing outside. He says Saransh insisted to play with him and Mahima, so it got late and he didn’t bring Sarang with him. She asks if Mahima is fine, he should have taken her to meet Mahima. He says she is fine.

    Saransh thinks he cannot see his parents fighting because of fake mamma Mahima, writes a note for Preesha that he is going to grandparents’ house and will return only when fake mamma leaves home, keeps it on table in Preesha’s room. He walks out of house while watchman is asleep and walks on road when Yuvraj sees him and thinks where is his ATM going, walks to him and asks where is he going now, he will call Preesha and inform her. He asks not to. Yuvraj takes him to roadside eatery. Preesha wakes up and cries thinking Rudra wants her to decide between him and Saransh and Mahima, how can she leave Mahima who is in her life much before Rudra. She sits near table and gets worried reading Saransh’s letter that he is going to grandparents’ house and will return only when fake mamma leaves home.

    Yuvraj takes Saransh to roadside eatery and offering him ice cream asks what happened now. Saransh says Rudra and mamma are fighting again because of fake mamma Mahima, so he left house to grandparent’s home and will not return until fake mamma leaves their house. Yuvraj says fake mamma is his real mamma, so he has to leave old mamma Preesha and live with new mamma just like if he gets bored with old toys, he leaves them and plays with new toys. Saransh says Preesha is his real mamma and he wants to stay with her. His friends greets him and says he came with his parents here. He checks friend’s parents and asks who is this new aunty as he knows his mamma. Friend says she is his step mother as his father left his real mother after giving him huge money in alimony. Yuvraj brainwashes Saransh to do something similar and send fake mamma away with some money so thatg he can stay happily with Preesha.

    Preesha rushes to Rudra and shows him Saransh’s letter. They call Vasu and ask if Saransh came there. She says no and they inform her of letter. Vasu also panics and after informing GPS goes out to search Saransh. Rudra rushes out of house and seeing watchman sleeping vents out his anger on watchman. They both search Saransh on roads and meet GPS and Vasu. Yuvraj drops Saransh outside home and asks to think about his idea. Saransh returns home. Sharda emotionally hugs him and over phone informs Rudra that Saransh is back home. Rudra with Preesha, GPS, and Vasu returns home. They both hug Saransh emotionally and their family bonding continues. At night, Saransh wakes up from sleep thinking he should get some money and send fake mamma out of their lives.

    Precap: Sharda panics and informs informs Preesha that Saransh… Preesha rushes searching Saransh. Sharda then informs Balraj that Saransh fell down and broke his leg and head, so Preesha took him to hospital. Mahima stands shocked hearing that.