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    Anupama 18th January 2022 Written Episode Update: Samar Breaks All The Ties With Nandini

    Anuj tells Anupama that as far as he knows Samar, he got his anger from his mother and heart from his mother, so he knows that his heart will love someone till the end. He knows Samar and Nandini love each other and will reconcile soon. He then jokes that they will smash their problems like mashing these potatoes. 

    Anu says Samar’s anger must have calmed down by now, so she will chat with him. He says she should visit him on the way to office. She says she will speak to even Nandini and hopes their issues are solved. At Shah house, Baa asks Nandini to calm down as she doesn’t know the whole issue. Nandini says she knows and whatever happened with Anu aunty is happening to her Kavya maasi now, they didn’t speak then and even now. Baa asks her to listen to her once. Nandini says she will blame her maasi even now. Tohu asks her to relax. Nandini says they all are doing injustice to her maasi. Pakhi says everyone know her maasi’s misbehavior. Nadnini shouts shut up. Pakhi replies you shut up as she hasn’t become her bhabhi/SIL yet. Nandini says she doesn’t want to. Samar says even he doesn’t want to marry Nandini.

    Anu prepares breakfast with Anuj and says she needs to wake up Mukku as GK has gone out. Anuj says she should, he will pack tiffin. He notices heart shaped paratha and thinks it must be for him. Anu from behind nods yes. Back to Shah house, Samar asks Nandini to go from there as she is not in her senses now. Nandini denies. Samar says she should change her maasi’s attitude. Nandini says he should change his father’s behavior. Samar says he used to think his father is the worst, but her maasi proved that she is the worst. Nandini says he is not seeing his papa’s mistakes as his mother is not wronged this time. Samar warns not to drag his mother in it. Nandini says maasi is like her mother. Samar says he takes his mother’s side not because she is his mother but because she is always right. Nandini says he means his maasi is always wrong. He says she is right, bring engagement ring and throws it on mirror breaking it, leaving everyone in shock. He then shouts now the issue has ended now and walks away.

    Nandini cries asking why did Samar do this. Vanraj says Samar did right and proved that his blood runs in him, Nandini proved that she and Kavya share same blood, Vanraj in Samar’s blood and Kavya in Nandini’s blood clashed, Kavya and Vanraj can love each other but not follow their relationship. Bapuji asks Vanraj to calm down followed by Toshu who says Samar and Nandini love each other and are angry, so he shouldn’t exaggerate the issue. Vanraj says Samar did right. Baa asks by breaking the mirror. Vanraj says Samar broke a relationship and its wise to break a relationship which cannot be continued forever; if he is wrong 100 times, Nandini’s maasi is wrong 101 times; Nandini can do whatever she wants to but leave from here. Kinjal and Toshu plead him not to interfere between them. Vanraj says he and Baa never liked Nandini for Samar, its good that their alliance is broken as they say good riddance to bad rubbish; she can go wherever she wants to as Samar will get 100s like her. He then shouts at her to leave. Nandini heartbroken walks back steps away remembering her and Samar’s bonding earlier and slips. Anu holds her and asks what happened. Nandini runs away crying.

    Anuj looking at Anupama’s heart shaped roti recites shayari and thinks if Anu also loves him. He remembers an incident and thinks she really loves him. Malvika walks in and asks if he is speaking to food and seeing heart shaped roti snatches it. Their run around each other to get roti and sharing it fear if Anu leaves them due to family commitment, how will they live without her.

    Anu notices broken mirror and engagement ring on floor confronts Vanraj for his rude behavior with a daughter like Nandini. Vanraj says he didn’t do anything wrong and their son will get 1000s like Nandini. Anuj only he can select one among 1000s forgoing one among lakhs, Nandini is perfect for Samar. Vanraj says he sees only defects in Nandini. Anu asks as if they all don’t have any defect. Vanraj says that girl is ill mannered. Anu says he is the most ill mannered in Ahmedabad and asks if he would have done same if his children would have misbehaved with him, why don’t he understand why Nandini reacted. Vanraj says she misbehaved. Anu asks instead of calming them down, he poured ghee in fire. Vanraj says that relationship is meant to be broken. Anu says she will not that happen. Vanraj says she herself broke their relationship and is talking about saving someone’s relationship. Anu says she broke a cage. Vanraj says even this relationship will be a cage later, so its better if its broken now itself. Samar enters and asks them to stop fighting and let him handle his issues. Anu asks if he will speak rudely in front of elders and asks if relationship is a joke. Vanraj says Nandini and her maasi made it a joke. Anu warns him that Samar is not Vanraj and Nandini is not Kavya, so he shouldn’t throw his shadow on her children’s relationship and stay away from them.

    Precap: Vanraj provokes Samar to break his relationship with Nandini if he is not comfortable with it. Anu says every relationship is not perfect as they are not made of plastic to stay same forever. She suggests Samar to think calmly as relationships once broken can never be fixed.