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    Kinjal confronts Aadya, Anupama refuse meet Anuj in Anupamaa

     Anupama: Latest Spolier! Kinjal confronts Aadya, Anupama refuse meet Anuj In the recent episodes of Anupama, we are witnessing that Anupama and Anuj’s have started a new life far away from their home, their country in America.

    In the previous episodes we have seen that how Aadya has been trying to stop Anuj from coming across Anupama after all these years.

    Although Anuj was upset and restless for Anupama but instead of comforting him Aadya chose to see him suffering for Anupama.

    Kinjal will get furious over Aadya seeing her still trying keep Anuj and Anupama separated by emotionally blackmailing Anuj.

    In the upcoming episodes we will see that Kinjal will confront Aadya for spoiling Anuj and Anupama’s life because of her personal insecurities.

    It will be interesting to see if Aadya will realise her mistake or not?

    Anupama refuse meet AnujIn the previous episodes we have seen that how Anupama was hurt by Anuj’s harsh words and blame game thus has left him and Choti forever.

    Anupama never intended to become a baggage in Anuj’s life thus has moved out of his life but now once again destiny has brought them face to face.

    In the upcoming episodes we will see that Anupama doesn’t want to get back to things she has left earlier and will refuse to meet Anuj.